terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013

Difference between TO and FOR

It's a common mistake for Brazilians to confuse these two prepositions. Why? Because the preposition "para" in Portuguese, means both "to" and "for" in English! So no wonder students often get confused!

Here are some tips and explanations on how to learn better the difference between the two.

The prepositions to and for are very easy to confuse! Here are some rules:

Use TO in these cases:
1. Destination: “We’re going to Paris.”

2. What time it is
“It’s a quarter to 4.”

3. Distance
“It’s about ten miles from my house to the university.”

4. Comparing
“I prefer sleeping to working.”

5. Giving
“I gave the book to my sister.”

6. Motive/Reason – with verb
“I came here to see you.”

Use FOR in these cases:
1. Benefits
“Yogurt is good for your digestion.”

2. Period of time
“We’ve lived here for 2 years.”

3. Schedule
“I made an appointment for May 3.”

4. Agree with
“Are you for or against the development of nuclear weapons?”

5. Doing something to help someone
“Could you carry these books for me?”

6. Motive/Reason – with noun
“Let’s go out for a drink.”

7. Function – with verb (-ing form)
“A ladle is a big spoon used for serving soup.”

As you can see in #6, TO or FOR can be used for a motive/reason, but TO is always with a verb, and FOR is always with a noun. Here’s a good example:
I came to New York to work.
I came to New York for a new job.

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